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Ownership of the website

This website is managed by the organization of the Zoom Igualada Festival, from the Ateneu Igualadí.
Sant Pau Street, 9 08700 Igualada. Spain.


Legal notice about access to the website

All the industrial and intellectual property rights of its website, as well as the elements that contain it (which include, among others, texts, images, sound, audio, video, designs, creatives and software ) belong to ATENEU IGUALADÍ or, as the case may be, to third parties.

The user can view all the printed elements, copy them and store them on a hard drive on their computer or on any other physical medium, provided it is solely and exclusively for private use, which leaves, therefore, its commercial use, its distribution, as well as its modification or alteration, is prohibited.

ATENEU IGUALADÍ reserves the right to make without prior notice the modifications it deems appropriate in regard to its website, being able to change, delete or add both the contents and services that leave the form in which they appear presented or located.

ATENEU IGUALADÍ will pursue the non-compliance of the previous conditions as well as any non-own use of the contents presented in its web page, thus exercising all the civil and criminal actions that may correspond in its right.

ATENEU IGUALADÍ only authorizes the citation of its contents in other web pages, with the treatment they consider, provided that they have a prior and express consent of the organization. In the case of having a hypertext link on any of its pages, the user must know that he is entering and must receive his URL in his computer.

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