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Direction: Charlie Arnaiz and Alberto Ortega
Production: Movistar Plus+ in collaboration with Dadá Films & Entertaiment
Country: Spain
Year: 2023
Genre: Documentary series
Broadcast channel: Movistar plus +
Duration: 50’


In 2002, after 40 years of profession, José María García left the radio without saying goodbye to his listeners. 20 years later, the most media and controversial journalist in our history returns to a studio to come face to face with his past and remember and analyze the key moments of his career. Loved and hated, praised and criticized, José María García brought together millions of viewers around the transistors, revolutionizing audiences and changing the style of radio broadcasting. Race journalist, protagonist of one of the most famous radio wars, incapable of keeping silent about a truth, inventor of insults such as streetlight hugger, chupóptero or correveidile, creator of nighttime sports radio in Spain… 20 years later, García returns.

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